
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerOrderControlTransaction
Physical Name : TR_CTL_CTORD

A type of Transaction recording the creation or alteration of a Customer Order, by a particular Operator.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32)
CustomerOrderID (FK) A unique system assigned identifier for the CustomerOrder. ID_ORD Identity integer CustomerOrder(DO_CTORD)
CustomerOrderStateCode (FK) A unique retailer assigned code denoting a potential state for a CustomerOrder. Eg: Create, DeleteItem, AddItem, ChangeItem, PartialDelivery, DeliveryComplete, PartialPickup, PickupComplete etc... CD_STE_CTORD Code2 char(2) CustomerOrderState(CO_STE_CTORD)
CustomerOrderTypeCode (FK) A unique retailer assigned code denoting a type of CustomerOrder Eg: Layaway, Order for Delivery, Order for Pickup, etc... CD_TYP_CTORD Code2 char(2) CustomerOrderType(CO_TYP_CTORD)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerOrderType is set via CustomerOrderControlTransaction
CustomerOrderState is set via CustomerOrderControlTransaction
CustomerOrder is updated by CustomerOrderControlTransaction
CustomerOrderControlTransaction has CustomerOrderControlTransactionLineItem
Transaction can be a CustomerOrderControlTransaction

Logical Views containing CustomerOrderControlTransaction

Logical View
Logical 02200 - Transaction Macro View
Logical 02309 - Retail Transaction Delivery
Logical 02315 - Retail Transaction - Customer Order
Logical 02316 - Distributed Order Management View
Logical 07610 - Customer Order - Maintenance View